Wednesday, March 18, 2009


HELLO, exercises are they important, ouch!, i can hear mumblings, you better get ready, you need exercises, to be in top shape, so go get your jogging shoes , we are going jogging. EXERCISES, which types, how frequently you do them depends on your present state of health. FRIENDS, TO START, YOU NEED A CHECKUP FROM YOUR G.P,all your vitals must be checked, that out of the way, lets go jogging. JOGGING, this is so good, but if you ve not done this in a while, start by walking, yes, if only you know ho valuable walking is, walking, this will get your body ready for the demand ahead, leave your car at home, walk to the market, your local store, walk round your block, and listen to your heart pumping faster, what is happening, your heart rate is in increased, more blood is pumped through your system increasing your metabolic rate, and bingo burning fat and tonning your femoral muscles, this is just a tip of the iceberg, running oes more, so can i hear you say thank the lord for my legs to walk and feet to run, yes shout it, THANK GOD. FRIENDS, this is toyour slimming success.

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