Monday, December 15, 2008


HELLO FRIENDS, how are you today? Let me wish you and members of your family a merry xmas. Weight watchers, as we are preparing for this season, keep in mind your target, do not overeat, and only eat healthy foods. FRIENDS, this yuletide season a lot of cakes, jellies. sweets will be on display, do not eat them instead, go for vegetables, take them raw or mixed to make salad, this is for your own good.OBESITY, WHAT IS THIS? this is a state of gross over weight, yes massive overweight resulting from massive intake of fatty, sugary , fried and over spiced foods, this is also coupled with an in active lifestyle. OBESITY, I decided to talk about it today because of the season, there is an increase in the number of obese cases, as many more people are eating wrongly and do not exercise. , obesity has other related signs such as several back ache, shortness of breath, tiredness and swelling of legs ,to mention just a few. FRIENDS, what are you to eat ? go veggy and fruity, thats your portion, but you can play around with this to make delicious meals. FOODS TO AVOID NOW, a) CAKES b) jellies c)icecream d)fizzy drinks e)burgers f), butters, ham , generally ,fish is permitted. Weight watchers, take salads, pure fruit juices, and raw fruits, i have a book on weight watchers recipe you will love it, and least i forget make sure you do some exercises that you will enjoy such as dancing ,this will help burn fat fast, swimming , helps tone your muscles and do talk a stroll to the beach, or park or just around your block , you body will thank you for it. so i will be back tomorrow, you will love my stuff, yes to a slimmer you.

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